Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Okay, I'm Just Rude

On the RWA Industry Loop a woman asked what was the etiquette when you received a rejection letter. In essence she wanted to know if you were supposed to send a thank you note back.

This simple etiquette never crossed my mind. It has nothing to do with sour grapes--just a little--but the agent/editor has already said no. My first rejection I wanted to crawl in a corner in die. Not only that it was a form rejection. My writing didn't grab the editor enough to warrant a genuine response. *sob* The next one I received just kind of ripped my heart out even though by then I was jaded. And then my next query resulted in a sale. Trust me, there were plenty of thank yous to go around with that offer.

The concensus is to not respond for a form. Maybe, respond if there are specific comments, revision requests, or if you have anything else please do send.

What's your take? Has it changed over the years? And, why?

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