Tuesday, December 2, 2008

There Is Something About the Holidays...

That makes me want to write less. Seriously, I want to hibernate, but of course I must eat my weight in chocolate first. I've only been writing four years, but it happens like clock work. I'm writing like mad and then all of a sudden the words kind of fade out of my head.

Writing = pulling teeth without whiskey.

It got me to thinking--do authors have writing seasons? It is all in my head or do you find yourself writing more/less during a certain time of year?


Shannon Morgan said...

Since I started doing NaNo, I find myself getting excited about new ideas toward the end of summer, exactly the way I used to get excited about a new school year. My brain needs a little breather somewhere around the December holiday season (as with school), then I get back into writing.

I think we just need to step back once in a while and breathe some fresh air.

Jill James said...

I love writing after the holidays. The new year has me feeling renewed. I used to have writing spurts according to the kids school schedule, but kids are all grown up so I just try to write each day now.

Anonymous said...

I have big spurts and then nothin' for a bit.
I cycle.